Meet the Boats

ND-01 “Manatee”

Length: 19m

Beam: 2.7m

Engine: 1,800 HP

Crew: 11

A highly maneuverable sub that can fire missiles vertically.

Luc Fisher

Captain of the ND-01 “Manatee”

ND-03 “BlueShark”

Length: 28m

Beam: 3.4m

Engine: 2,900 HP

Crew: 24

A balanced, all-around sub.

Ben Triton

Captain of the ND-03 “BlueShark”

ND-05 “Serpent”

Length: 38m

Beam: 4.9m

Engine: 4,000 HP

A powerful sub with limited maneuverability.

Dante Cruz

Captain of the ND-05 “Serpent”